About Us

Welcome to mine and my husbands crazy world! 

I met my husband Cody in spring of 2018 and have been hooked on this guy ever since. I would have never imagined the journey that the Lord would send us on together and the growth we would experience. 

When I first met Cody I had just graduated high school and moved out of my small Colorado town into the much bigger city of Phoenix Arizona. I was on a mission for Independence and growth and ultimately figuring out what the heck I wanted to be in this  world. I was working at Chipotle making burritos and going to aesthetics school. I barley had any friends in the area and quite honestly I was bored. 

Next thing I know my curiosity brought me to the wonderful app of Tinder. (Cringe, yes I meet my husband on Tinder).

Cody had just gotten back from his second and last deployment in Iraq and was interestingly enough looking for love as well. We both had downloaded tinder and matched all in the same week. Of course it wouldn’t be a cheesy tinder story without the cheesy pickup line that my husband used to catch my eye. If I remember correctly I opened my inbox to something like this. “Are you the sun? because, you are so beautiful its blinding me”. From that line on we chatted back and forth, and that weekend he drove from Twentynine Palms to take me paddle boarding on the lake. After that, our phones haven’t seen Tinder since. The next ten months Cody would drive from California to Arizona to see me every weekend.  

In December of 2018 Cody asked me to be his wife and we got married in the court house on June 26th of 2019. Now in 2020 we are expecting our daughter and both working in careers that we are very happy with. We are just a veteran family who follows our faith, works hard, and counts our blessings daily!