1st Trimester

We’re pregnant!

Emotions, emotions, emotions! Happy Fathers day to Cody Ray! Cody and I found out we were expecting the night before fathers day. What an amazing 1st fathers day. We were sitting on the couch watching TV, I felt a very slight little twinge in my belly and I looked at Cody and said “I think i’m pregnant”.  He was probably thinking yeah right! Well I decided to take a test and sure enough, as clear as day “PREGNANT” 

Jaycie Rae at 10 Weeks Old
baby 27%

The very first look we got of Jaycie Rae at 10 weeks! This is when we were very sure that she was a boy! and man would she surprise us! especially her dad! 

How mommy is feeling

Holy moly! Who knew someone could be so tired. Mommy slept the 1st trimester away. I could sleep all the time if i could have. I also thought that I would never enjoy food ever again,  like EVER! Unfortunately, during the 1st trimester I was given morning sickness, food aversions and terrible fatigue. Nothing ever sounded appetizing and it took a lot of will power for me to eat enough to get my nutrients in.  Cody was amazing and held my hair multiple times during my daily puking ritual. I am so lucky to have an amazing husband who was so accommodating to how I was feeling. During this time I wasn’t working, and Cody worked so hard for the both of us I didn’t have to. I have no idea how working moms make it through the 1st trimester because I barley survived even when I was able to sleep whenever I wanted to. 

Highlights of the 1st trimester

Overall the 1st trimester was pretty rough. Although I delt with sickness, there were so many amazing moments that happened within the first trimester. Finding out about our baby girl on fathers day is such a unique time to make such an amazing discovery. Some other highlights include the very 1st ultrasound. I remember seeing her on the screen and saying HOLY SMOKES theres a little human in there! and the look on Cody’s face was priceless as we watched her squirm around on the screen! such an amazing moment. By far the best moment was the ability to tell family that we are expecting. The excitement from them was so encouraging and I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive and loving family. I know our daughter will be deeply cherished and loved! 

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